Wednesday, March 03, 2010

save the dates

I know that it's become customary to send save the date cards to guests about six months before the wedding. That would have been about a month ago for us. However, I don't think we're going to send them. Is that wrong of me? Am I committing social faux pas? Then again, I don't think save the dates have been considered "necessary" until somewhat recently... I seem to think people got along just fine before they arrived on the scene. Am I wrong about this? Please weigh in and let me know your thoughts. (I don't know if your comments will necessarily impact our decision, but I still want to hear from you!) I'll write again soon with some of my thoughts about why sending save the dates might not be in the plans for us. So, in case you are expecting to be invited but haven't received a save the date card yet, don't worry--no one else has received one, either. Our wedding date is August 7, 2010. We'll be sure to send invitations and a link to our wedding website with plenty of time for you to make travel arrangements to Colorado.

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