May and June have flown by and I cannot believe it is already July. I have been an awful blogger lately and for that I apologize. It isn't that I haven't had things to write about, I just haven't had time to reflect on them as I'd like to. Plus, it seems all the pictures from recent events are on Kyle's camera and how fun is a blog entry without pictures? Here is a short summary of what's been going on. Sorry, no pictures.
May brought us to Texas for a 70th birthday party at a beach house in Surfside, TX for Kyle's dad. Kyle and I were there with his parents, his brothers, and their families. It was such a wonderful trip! I can't say enough good things about Kyle's family. The beach was such a relaxing way to spend time together. We found seashells and jellyfish, cracked open a piƱata, jumped in the waves, and the adults learned more about each other playing WhoNu after the kids went to bed. We had such a good time!
I stayed in Texas for a few more days to spend time with my friend, Antoinette, who had become a mom to Ava just a few weeks prior. It was such a blessing to see what an incredible mom she is, and to be there for the joys and the trials that newborns provide. While in town, I also got to spend some time with friends I met while living in The Woodlands and that was a treat!
While I was out of town, our department experienced some staffing changes, so I returned to a very busy workload. We have since hired another staff member, but training someone new can create more work in the present, even if you know it will be helpful in the long run. In short, I've had some long days and often the last thing I want to do is stay on the computer longer to do my own personal thing. So, that's mostly why I haven't been on here much.
In June, Kyle and I flew to Chicago and then drove to the Upper Penisula (UP) of Michigan. My mom's side of the family was gathering for my grandma's burial and memorial service at the cemetery. While it was sad and very different to be in the UP without my grandparents, the time was a nice opportunity to say goodbye and to celebrate their legacy. It was a family reunion of sorts (7 of the 8 grandchildren and their families were there). It was also the first opportunity for Kyle and Mike's girlfriend, Alicia, to see the UP and understand why we love it there so much. We went four-wheeling, built a campfire, went to Canyon Falls, did target shooting at the gravel pit, played with the dogs, walked around the back 40 acres, and other "yooper" things. It was a really great time to be together.
We didn't have much time in Illinois, but while we were there we were lucky enough to see Dale's parents, Grandma and Grandpa Kofoed. I was so happy to stop by their house with Kyle, Mike, and Alicia. We had a really nice visit. It finally occurred to me that they are my last set of living grandparents. Even though we are not related by blood, they are the grandparents who have been the most active in my life and I am so grateful for the role they play in our family. I hope I get to see them again soon!
Besides our traveling in May and June, not much else has happened. I helped transplant some trees with the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District, we've gone on a couple short hikes, we spied on a family of baby foxes that lived in a den in our neighborhood (they were so cute!), I bought a 2-3 day backpack which we hope to use on a hiking trip soon, I've been babysitting quite a bit for extra income, Kyle and Ben installed (laminate) wood floors in half of the second floor of the condo, and I've been playing volleyball now that the Keystone volleyball season has started again.
Later this month, we are going to camp at a multi-day bluegrass festival in Lyons, CO. We also hope to do a bunch of camping in August now that we have the same days off. After a very rainy spring, summer is finally here and we hope to enjoy it as much as possible!
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