Friday, February 01, 2008

no go

Well, I guess the pastor got ahead of herself a little bit when she mentioned the possibility of having the church hire me to take on the Confirmation Class responsibilities. She was trying to tie up loose ends and she thought she was being helpful. However, she found out from the Personnel representative on the Church Council that they were not in a position to hire anybody to take on the Confirmation Class responsibilities. They wanted to continue on with volunteers until they got an Interim Pastor. So, the volunteer they lined up to take the helm is an older man who has very little desire to work with young people face to face and had not stepped foot anywhere near Confirmation until last week. He was going to help with some of the behind-the-scenes work when Kari was talking about me taking the lead, but now the Council has decided that he is going to be the leader. That's that. Whatever. I'm concerned that the consistency will go by the wayside and involvement will drop significantly. I've expressed these concerns, so that is all I can do. I'll keep volunteering on Wednesday nights, but that's going to be the extent of my involvement. From what it sounded like, that's all they want from me, paid or unpaid. It seems like they want someone who is "in with them" to be the one taking the lead with the program. Apparently, that's not me. Nevermind that I've been involved with the program every week since the beginning of the school year and I have a background in this kind of ministry. That doesn't seem to matter. Although, maybe it's better this way in the end. Perhaps this is how things were supposed to happen. Maybe God is telling me I don't need to be a staff member at a church that is in such transistion and disarray. I can appreciate that.

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